Boone Grove Post Office.

Below is a picture of the Boone Grove Post Office taken the summer of 1971.  The  postmaster shown is William Roeske.  My father was postmaster there before Bill in the same building.  There was no running water with an outhouse out back.  I spent many days there while in grade school after school.  Jean Roeske was my father's replacement. 

Below is a picture of the Boone Grove Post Office lobby.  Notice the combination post office boxes.  This was taken in 2006 at it's current location when my wife was postmaster.  The boxes were replaced with keyed boxes then all mailboxes were moved outside.  The office has been reduced to only 2 hours a day.

Below is a list of postmasters up to 1971.  List compiled by the late William Roeske.

Link for Boone Grove Post Office closing.